No Messing Goal Setting

No Messing Goal Setting

Escalate your career next year: no messing goal setting Sneak an hour out of your busy schedule this side of Christmas to set your goals for 2019.  You’ll feel much more in control and ready for your break if you know you can hit the ground running when you...

How Meetings Waste your Money

Being in back to back meetings is nothing to be proud of.  Don’t waste your precious talent in pointless meetings. Avoid horrors like this… Sounds familiar? You have ten full-time team members.  Each one attends four internal meetings a week, booked into...
Five Positive Ways to say No

Five Positive Ways to say No

Do you already feel overwhelmed, with too much work to do and not enough time to do it in?   How do you cope when you are asked to do even MORE? The first step is to weigh up the value of the extra work.   Is it career-enhancing: giving you extra skills, networks or...
Why ‘good girls’ don’t get promoted

Why ‘good girls’ don’t get promoted

Do you remember that fairy tale we were told when we were kids, about helpful little elves that snuck into your house when everyone was asleep, did all the chores, laid the fire, made the breakfast and then flew away before anyone woke up and saw them? That’s what...