Monthly articles on career success, leadership and productivity

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That’s all I have to say: how to give the gift of time

That’s all I have to say: how to give the gift of time

I was lucky enough to be at the Global Peter Drucker Forum earlier this month, soaking up the latest leadership thinking.  I’m brimming over with fresh ideas for you, but one moment that really stuck with me was a panellist who had the...

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Head in the weeds plus how to spot a CYA culture

Head in the weeds plus how to spot a CYA culture

When a junior person wastes time, it usually results in other people having to pick up some of their work.   When a senior person wastes time there will be far more long-term consequences because other people don’t have the strategic oversight they...

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Do you take on too much?

Do you take on too much?

Read this before you organise the Christmas party all by yourself One of the ways HR departments judge the engagement of their workforce is by measuring what’s called discretionary effort.  This is how people get involved above and beyond their regular...

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A high performer in my team is now under-performing.

A high performer in my team is now under-performing.

Operation Director Curtis* had this problem when he was on one of my leadership programmes.  It's a common one, so I'm featuring it in this month's article.  Let me know if you'd have handled it differently. Ellie, who was only a couple...

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Back after the holidays? Start with the end in mind

Back after the holidays? Start with the end in mind

As business ramps up again after the holidays, pick a point in the future and visualise what you want to have accomplished by then. I explain how Amazon use a Working Backward method for ultimate success and clarity. "Begin with the end in mind” is the second of the...

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Don’t blame lazy workers for your productivity problems

Don’t blame lazy workers for your productivity problems

Napping or thinking?Productivity is a systemic problem, not a personal one To some of us, increasing productivity  means being more efficient so we can clock off earlier and recharge our batteries.  Shareholders will be much more interested in how...

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Raab and bullying: when ‘straight-talking’ turns nasty

Raab and bullying: when ‘straight-talking’ turns nasty

The UK’s deputy prime minister and justice secretary, Dominic Raab, stepped down last month after an independent inquiry concluded that his ‘consistently abrasive behaviour’ had in some cases amounted to bullying. Civil servants were so petrified of disagreeing...

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Imposter syndrome can be useful to you

Imposter syndrome can be useful to you

Imposter syndrome, as if you didn’t know, is when you doubt your abilities and feel like you are going to be rumbled as a fraud.   For most of us, it’s a short-lived experience when we feel out of our depth in new situations or roles.It...

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Can you spot a Rescuer?

Can you spot a Rescuer?

Rescuers are bad managers with kind intentions. The stereotypical bad boss is an insensitive bully.  Word soon gets round about them.  Harder to spot is another bad boss, the Rescuer.  These are compassionate people with a burning desire to help...

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Let’s talk about Love

Let’s talk about Love

'Find a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life'. Is this true for you?In previous generations most people just did their jobs. It was a lucky bonus if they enjoyed their work, probably reflecting their social...

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Are you soaring with eagles or scratching with turkeys?

Are you soaring with eagles or scratching with turkeys?

Do the people around you raise you up or bring you down? Nurture an inspiring group of people around you, their influence is monumental Relationships have a big impact on the goals we set and whether we achieve them. Reflect on the people you spend the most...

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Confidence at work

Mind Flip: The Secret to Career Success