Monthly articles on career success, leadership and productivity

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When shouldn’t you follow your leader?

When shouldn’t you follow your leader?

Would you obey an order that felt wrong?   Why good people commit evil deeds.  It feels wrong to write my usual article on career success or productivity at such a distressing time. Instead, let’s see what we can learn from a famous...

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How to get high on work

How to get high on work

I frequently give Crazy Busy masterclasses at corporate wellbeing events. Cash is spaffed on yoga, massages, kombucha, vegan buffets and of course mindfulness.  These definitely make us feel a bit better. But their impact is wiped out if you spend the rest of the week...

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Does your organisation have an ego problem?

Does your organisation have an ego problem?

Stop validating your Sally Show-Offs and start supporting your Steady Eddies I’ve observed a Crazy Busy character popping up in organisations.  Sally Show-Off is motivated by promotion, praise, followers, likes, drama.  She’s all about ‘look at me’...

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Do too many layers slow you down?

Do too many layers slow you down?

Many organisations over-collaborate in a well-meaning desire to be inclusive: to hear every voice around the table. It’s a noble cause but not every voice has something meaningful or different to add. At a time when businesses need to be at their most nimble, are...

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Return to the Office: have we all gone a bit feral?

Return to the Office: have we all gone a bit feral?

Now we have proved we can work from home, why should anyone bother to return to the office?   A new ‘hybrid’ culture is predicted – two or three days a week in the office, the rest at home. Some people will slip gratefully into this new rhythm. Others may...

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Confidence at work

Mind Flip: The Secret to Career Success