Monthly articles on career success, leadership and productivity

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How Meetings Waste your Money

Being in back to back meetings is nothing to be proud of. Nor is sitting in an irrelevant meeting that does nothing to achieve your personal priorities. You wouldn’t waste your money or any other asset like this – so why waste your precious talent?

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Five Positive Ways to say No

Five Positive Ways to say No

Do you already feel overwhelmed, with too much work to do and not enough time to do it in?   How do you cope when you are asked to do even MORE? The first step is to weigh up the value of the extra work.   Is it career-enhancing: giving you extra skills, networks or...

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Why ‘good girls’ don’t get promoted

Why ‘good girls’ don’t get promoted

Do you remember that fairy tale we were told when we were kids, about helpful little elves that snuck into your house when everyone was asleep, did all the chores, laid the fire, made the breakfast and then flew away before anyone woke up and saw them? That’s what...

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Why good managers make you take a break

Why good managers make you take a break

D-Day Veteran Bryson William Verdun Hayes, known as Verdun,  shows us how to have fun - he's the oldest British skydiver at 101 years and 38 days. He broke the record by completing a tandem skydive with three generations of his family in Devon in May 2017 in a...

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One question that stops you wasting hours in meetings

One question that stops you wasting hours in meetings

Are you sick of wasting precious time in pointless, long, unplanned, badly facilitated, waffling, unstructured, distracted, ego-filled, hi-jacked, delayed and all round screamingly frustrating meetings?   People constantly complain to me about the amount of time they...

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Ageism: Are older candidates really discriminated against?

Ageism: Are older candidates really discriminated against?

A fed-up 50-something Finance Director wrote to me recently, saying that she keeps getting turned down for new roles 'because of her age'. I asked her what evidence she had that her age is the reason for the rejection and if the problem possibly lay elsewhere....with...

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Smack the phoney: how to beat imposter syndrome

Smack the phoney: how to beat imposter syndrome

I still doubt myself every single day. What people believe is my self-confidence is actually my reaction to fear.”—Will Smith All of us are susceptible to negative thoughts like this at some point in our careers. They are like giant banana skins waiting to trip us up....

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How to retain your millennials

How to retain your millennials

I listen to employers moan about their youngest workers, but what’s their side of the story? We talk a lot about leadership in organisations, but we’ve forgotten how to manage.  Millennials leave organisations because (unlike their older colleagues) they don’t...

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Confidence at work

Mind Flip: The Secret to Career Success