Take Charge of Your Career

Take the Fear out of Your Career

Career success comes when you flip your focus away from yourself and instead focus on the problems that you, uniquely, solve for others.

This is my Mind Flip philosophy that my first book,  now in its third edition, is based on. 

My interactive career masterclasses will give your teams an opportunity to think about their career strategy and contribution.

Full of practical tools and the latest thinking on careers, I work hard to make this potentially sensitive subject fun.


Full of practical tools and the latest thinking on careers

Career Strategy and Confidence Masterclass

  • Where are you in your career and what’s next for you? 
  • Why you can stop worrying about your five-year career plan and instead head for the next patch of safe ground.
  • Are you acting like a high performer in the role you aspire to? 
  • What are your blind spots? Who gives you feedback and support?
  • What’s your unique contribution – what are you known for? Be marmite, not vanilla!
  • Common career derailers and how to avoid them: are you a Control Freak, Superstar or Mother Hen?
  • What are your towering strengths and what happens when they go into overdrive?
  • How to build supportive, diverse networks.

These masterclasses are suitable for all levels and are particularly popular with Diversity Equity and Inclusion groups. 


Why me? 

I’m an ex-head-hunter – I started, ran, and sold a successful three-office recruitment business that recruited other recruiters.  This started me on my quest to discover why some people are more successful than others.  And what’s ‘success’ anyway? 

I studied an MSc in Career Management and Coaching, then qualified in psychological coaching techniques and leadership development. I have coached hundreds of people to define and achieve their career goals. 

Here’s what I’ve found out about career success and confidence:

Please email me zena@zenaeverett.com to discuss how my masterclasses can inspire and motivate your teams and special interest groups.

Hi Zena, I just wanted to thank you for the event yesterday at RBS.  It was amazing and very eye-opening.

Rachael, Business School Manager

I was at your Crazy Busy session and wanted to say a huge thank you for the very powerful and expertly delivered message, it has been critical in helping me cut through the overwhelm and focus on what’s important.  I now feel much more in control of my working life!

Careers Service

Officers Association

Fabulous session today at Buzzacott in London with Zena Everett who delivered an excellent workshop to the new student intake.


Chartered Accountants’ Benevolent Association.

What an exciting day. I have been positively buzzing today. Thank you Zena for such an enlightening and invigorating session.
It was a really useful, pro-active day and Zena is great at turning problems into solutions and words into deeds. Plenty of food for thought ( and deed). Thank you.
I wanted to say how great Zena’s workshop was yesterday and what a brilliant woman she is.

Feedback to Equity Charitable Trust

Having spoken with Zena (and read part of her book) before she presented at the most recent South London Junior Lawyers Division’s event, ‘The Science of Confidence’, I was delighted that she was coming to speak with us and I thought that the event would be informative and interesting. I was not, however, expecting the evening that unfolded.

The talk was more of a discussion facilitated by Zena, where participants were encouraged to talk in pairs or small groups about our futures, identifying what goals we have and then how to achieve them. We talked about learning to recognise that nearly all of the seemingly insurmountable barriers to success are self-constructed and, through different thought processes, become surmountable. We put this into practice in our pairs and discussed our personal perceived barriers with our partners and discussed how they might be overcome. In fact, by the end of this exercise, there was not a single insurmountable barrier in the room!

Zena, through her open, relaxed and warm approach, managed to create a supportive, comfortable and trusting atmosphere; participants were fully engaged in the evening and many vocalised personal worries, opinions and concerns either in their pairs or to the whole room. It really was a special evening.

Personally, I found it extremely refreshing to speak to someone that I did not know about my career, my aspirations and worries and to hear, from a completely objective party, that I could achieve what I wanted. I do not think that such frank conversations would have occurred without Zena creating the open environment in which to do so. I left the event feeling inspired and positive about my future and with some good ideas about how to work out precisely what my goals are and how to achieve them.

I hope Zena will come back and talk to us again next year!” 

Louise Taylor

Chair of South London JLD and Solicitor at AG

A chance to reflect but also think ahead to the future, within a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. I would definitely recommend attending an event with Zena.and to hear, from a completely objective party, that I could achieve what I wanted. I do not think that such frank conversations would have occurred without Zena creating the open environment in which to do so. I left the event feeling inspired and positive about my future and with some good ideas about how to work out precisely what my goals are and how to achieve them.

I hope Zena will come back and talk to us again next year!” 

Rachel Hyneman

Solicitor at Anthony Gold

Zena’s talk was empowering and inspiring. Now I have a clearer focus of my goals and of my current abilities.

Akilah Douglas

Solicitor at Quality Solicitors.

For more information on one of my sessions, please send me your details below:

Feel free to get in touch via this website form or alternatively you can email me directly at:


or call me on: 07968 424650