by Emma Fletcher | Jan 12, 2016 | Zena Everett's Blog
Welcome back. Many of us seem to have hit the ground running after the holidays and it’s easy to forget our good intentions to improve the way we live and work. One of my clients said last week that she felt her well-being was at 4/10 and she wants to feel 8/10...
by Emma Fletcher | Dec 7, 2015 | Zena Everett's Blog
I’ve noticed that some of my coaching clients have already written down their resolutions for 2016. These are usually people who managed to keep their resolutions for this year too. Research says about 45% of us make resolutions but 54% of us will give up...
by Emma Fletcher | Nov 12, 2015 | Zena Everett's Blog
Six tactics for passing a promotion interview Even the most confident candidates balk at the thought of promotion panels. They are particularly intimidating if you already report to panel members. How do you put on a convincing performance for people who already...
by Emma Fletcher | Oct 7, 2015 | Zena Everett's Blog
You may not have a formal appraisal at work any more, but there’s nothing to stop you from doing your own. Every business has a strategic plan, so it makes sense that we have one for our own careers too. We may be back to business as usual after the holidays, but...
by Emma Fletcher | Sep 9, 2015 | Zena Everett's Blog
Do you ever get that niggling feeling that you should have achieved more? Or that what you have achieved isn’t quite good enough? The web is groaning with content about career success. Failure is now seen not just as OK, but to be welcomed as a necessary...
by Emma Fletcher | Aug 4, 2015 | Zena Everett's Blog
I’ve interviewed thousands of people over the years as a Career Coach, Recruiter, Selection Panelist and Trustee. They have usually researched thoroughly and have a structured answer to everything – what experience do they have of influencing an...