Getting the most out of 2021

Getting the most out of 2021

As Christmas is the busiest time of year for a vicar, new year is the busiest time for a coach like me. It’s peak annual kick-off, objective-setting, lessons learnt, where are we going, what do we want, reboot, state of the nation...
Victims and Drama Triangles

Victims and Drama Triangles

Last week’s dramatic election shenanigans reminded me of a tool frequently used in psychological coaching to explain conflict and power plays.  The Karpman Drama Triangle maps out destructive relationships using three roles: the Victim (‘one down’ on the...
Can’t see the Wood for the Trees?

Can’t see the Wood for the Trees?

Coach yourself out of the overwhelm with just one question. Clients are telling me that they feel particularly overwhelmed and weighed down at the moment.  ‘Struggling to see the wood for the trees’ is coming up a lot in my sessions. I don’t want to add to the...
Are you frightened of your Boss?

Are you frightened of your Boss?

The choice of how and when to return to the office after lockdown will be giving some people sleepless nights right now.  Home working has been a welcome respite from anxiety.  It’s not the commute, the virus or their colleagues...
Does Email squeeze the life out of you?

Does Email squeeze the life out of you?

The way we use emails is chocking our productivity. Email has become an invasive intrusion, binding us to our screens: the japanese knotweed of work. Researchers say we spend about 28 percent of our time actively managing email, that’s over a quarter of...